Autonomous Checkout for physical stores

Trusted by the world’s leading retailers, we enable full frictionless shopping experience with no checkout lines and no shrinkage. Built for extremely high accuracy, handling fully loaded shopping carts or baskets, we secure every transaction using the most advanced AI and big data technology.


A whole new level of operational excellence and customer experience.

Starting from fast track checkout technology, all the way through user‑journey analysis and actionable intelligence.

Deployed in the cloud, we support retailer’s existing environments and can be integrated to any current technology.
Our system is adjustable to fit all store formats or sizes and can be easily and quickly installed.

Whether it’s self scanning or ‘Grab & Go’, our solutions empower retailers in transforming brick and mortar into high-tech-powered stores, delivering the shopping experience of the future – today!


Success In Numbers

Loss prevented ($)

GMV ($)

Total Transactions


Super Smart Retailers

Hear What Our Amazing Partners Have to Say!

Tudor Andronic

“SuperSmart is more than a startup – SuperSmart is a family of highly professional, motivated and brilliant people, with a common goal: to revolutionize the shopping experience and the sales process by making it faster, better, more secure, more fun – concurrently achieving higher KPI´s and massively improved customer experience. The team in SuperSmart achieved that and I am happy for Bizerba, for other partners and investors that they are part of this journey, for all our customers, because they will benefit being visionary at the right time with the right technology and I am very happy for myself for being part of this unbelievable development.”